April 2019 Update

Garry McGivern’s April 2019 update. Not a great deal has happened this month, although it has been a bit interesting on the health front! Firstly, I get told by my physio that one leg is longer than the other, really! Looks like I’ll be wearing special shoes now then!

Beer barrels on the beach
Thought my birthday and Christmas had all come together when these washed up on the beach!

A week or so later I receive a letter from my consultant telling me I’ve got subsidence in my stem! I guess I’ll need underpinning now! I’ve also got a feeling that my hip has started to loosen!

But apart from my subsidence, and possible loose hip, I’m feeling very well and am now walking without a crutch or stick, although not for long distances, for them I still need aids.

Lambs field
Spring lambs
Back On The Road, Briefly

If you remember back to last month, I had to be home to cat sit for Vicky and Julie! Well, as soon as that came to an end, I was off on my bike!

A couple of my favourite campsites had opened, and I was itching to get back to them! Hollands Wood in the New Forest and Adgestone on the Isle of Wight.

Cat on a bike
Murphy wanted to come away with me

A nice little trip and once again it was nice to see some familiar faces at the campsites. Although I must admit, I’m getting a bit bored cycling the same old routes! I would love to go on a long tour, preferably abroad and preferably somewhere where I’ve not been before! But I think I may be pushing things at the moment, especially if my hip is starting to loosen!

2 Replies to “April 2019 Update”

  1. I can’t keep up with you. Have you done Scotland and Ireland? It seems to me that your”re only fit for cycling.
    I’ve just been to Brighton to see the 400 year old Elm trees in Preston Park. I was hoping to hire a bike but you can only access them with a card. My bus pass wouldn’t work. Have you thought of getting a tandem he! he!

    1. I’ve been to John o’Groats but never really done Scotland as such! My mate keeps trying to get me to do the North Coast 500 and as for Ireland, I’ve tried that twice and failed both times!
      I must admit that I am struggling for somewhere to cycle to and Scotland and Ireland have both been on the raider, but that’s as far as they’ve got!
      Glad you made it to Preston Park and saw the Elms, shame you couldn’t hire a bike though.
      Did you go by bus or train?

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