August 2020 Monthly Update

Garry’s monthly update for August 2020, where did that month go? August seems to have flown by, yet I’ve not done anything or been anywhere! Oh, yes, I remember where it’s gone, working, doctors and hospital!


Things on the health front haven’t been good! I’m back on steroids, had oedema and have now got shingles, and boy does it hurt! Considering what they are, or rather what they look like, a small rash, they’re so painful and uncomfortable! I can be sitting there okay, then all of a sudden it’s like somebody has stuck a knife in me! I think somebody has made a voodoo doll of me, sitting there stabbing it! And as for sleeping! I can’t lay on my back, and I can’t lay on my side! Let’s hope it eases soon!

Isle of Wight

I didn’t mention in last months update, but I’ve finally made it to the Isle of Wight this year! Unfortunately, it wasn’t a camping trip, but equally as good, a boys day out sailing. It was on the last day of the month, which was the main reason for not mentioning it last month. It was a great day out with suburb weather and favourable winds, we were under sail the entire time and hardly had to tack at all. Not that I would have noticed, I just sat back and drank beer!

4 men on a boat
The motley crew of 2020

Sad news on the ferry front, Brittany ferries, the ferry company I use to get to France have cancelled my favourite route, Portsmouth to Saint-Malo! Let’s hope it’s only a temporary measure, and they bring it back, for when I start travelling again. Speaking of travelling, I’m wondering if I should go away next month (September). Although the more I look at it, the more complicated it seems! Mind you if I’ve still got shingles, I definitely won’t be going anywhere!


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4 Replies to “August 2020 Monthly Update”

  1. Hi Garry! They’ve got it in for us: shingles, St.Malo, stolen bikes. I’ve had three attacks and I’m sure it’s a weak immune problem. I’ve really upped my D3 tablets. Portsmouth – St.Malo, that’s where we first met. And then there’s another bike down the drain: pinched under my nose in Newport last Sunday. There were all my groceries in the Panier.
    I’m not worried: bikes will be two a penny when the bicycle boom is over.

    1. Infamy, infamy! They’ve all got it in for me!
      Three? From what I’ve read, you’re unlucky to get shingles twice, three times is just careless!! Although it does sound as if you do have a weakened immune system, but at your age, you’re allowed!
      Yes, it was the Portsmouth to Saint-Malo ferry back in April 2015, you were cycling to Nantes, which was very admirable.
      Do you never lock your bike? But as you say, there will be loads of cheap bikes around soon, especially when the weather turns!

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