Dhaka Rickshaw Ride Video

Dhaka Rickshaw Ride Video 31st-December-2011. A video posted on Garry’s Flickr page shot on his 22,000-mile cycle ride around the world.

It’s New Year’s eve, and Garry’s reached Dhaka in Bangladesh, where he’ll rest for a few days. While in Dhaka, Garry needs to visit the Chinese embassy to sort out a visa for China, country number 12, on his tour. He’s also waiting for his good friends, the Barr’s, to arrive. They’ve spent Christmas in Bangladesh, and due to Garry’s change of route means that they can now meet up.

While Garry waits for the Barr’s to arrive, he’s off to find some packing material for his bike, so he can pack it all away, ready for his flight to China. And what better way to get around Dhaka than a ride in a rickshaw.

A rickshaw ride is a must-do experience in Dhaka!

Dhaka Rickshaw Ride Video


An updated version of this video was added many years later on Garry’s YouTube channel, which isn’t quite as basic! The newer version is a compilation of photos and videos taken on his ride across Bangladesh. Click here to view.

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