Bicycle-Touring 24th June 2021

Bicycle-Touring 24th June 2021. Brockenhurst to Brighstone. 40 miles.

Forty miles is that all! Not that I feel worn out, it’s just that it took all day to do! Most likely because I was bimbling around the New Forest all morning! I also decided to get the Hythe ferry, from Hythe funnily enough! To Southampton, and remembered why I don’t usually bother! It’s not any quicker, if you don’t catch it at the right time, you end up waiting for ages! And sometimes they have a smaller ferry running, as they did today, which is totally unsuitable for bikes!

Car and caravan
Lovely old fashioned car and caravan

Although I was held up by the Hythe ferry it worked out well for the Isle of Wight ferry. I was straight off one ferry and onto the other. But the ride across the island was hard going, with a strong headwind.

Signet’s at Beaulieu

It’s lovely being back at Grange Farm, where I’m camped tonight. It’s another one of my favourite campsites. Apparently I’ve not been here since March 2019, the first day of that season.

Horse by water
Horse at Hatchet pond

I usually like to get here and to Hollands Wood in Brockenhurst, for the first and last day of the season. But that’s obviously not happened for the past couple of years! And it’s not going to happen this year either!

My IOW ferry

Rain’s forecast for tonight, so let’s hope I stay dry! Seeing as I’m in my leaky MSR tent!

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