Bicycle-Touring 9th November 2021

Bicycle-Touring 9th November 2021. Christchurch to Bognor Regis. 60 miles. I cheated today and took a shortcut!

Cliffs and beach
Looking out from Highcliffe

I came home via the Isle of Wight, which as you can see by milage is a lot shorter. And that was with a five-mile detour to Keyhaven. Although it may be shorter in miles, it’s not in hills! And I must admit I found them hard going and was glad to stop today! As I was yesterday!

Fields sky and water
Looking out towards the Solent from the Isle of Wight

Cycling up some of the hills on the island, which let’s face it aren’t really that big in the general scheme of things! I couldn’t make my mind up as to what’s worse for me! My hip; to be honest that’s not too bad, that hurts more off the bike! Temperature; I seem to be struggling with my internal thermometer at the moment! Cycling along the flat when I’m not really putting much effort in I’m cold. Going uphill or applying any exertion I break out in a sweat and get feverish! I’m assuming that’s my anaemia or my hip infection! Or my knees! They or rather my left knee has started to really hurt, again when I exert it! I’ll just add that one to the ever-growing list, and tell the doctor the next time I see them!

Sea and cliffs
The Isle of Wight Needles

I was going to stay away tonight and debated about camping in Southbourne, twelve miles from home. But I’m finding things hard enough staying at home, or in a hotel! So I gave it a miss, as much as I wanted to!

Despite all my aches and pains I still enjoyed myself. And would rather be in pain cycling than just sitting around!

2 Replies to “Bicycle-Touring 9th November 2021”

  1. Ho! ho! you cover the ground. I’ll bet Google maps didn’t sus out that short cut. The air on the Isle of Wight used to be worth sixpence a pint. It is now tainted with fly tipping and car fumes.

    1. Google has nothing on me! It was tough going, especially on the Isle of Wight!
      I was going to ring you and see if you were around. But because I’m so uncomfortable off the bike, I just wanted to keep going!
      I think it’s still a lot cleaner, and there are fewer cars on the IOW than here!

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