Bike-Ride to Australia 22nd-January 2012

Bike-Ride to Australia Sunday 22nd-January 2012 Pakmong to Louanghrabang. 69 miles. I had a dream today that I was riding along and didn’t have any mountains to go up. Hold on. It wasn’t a dream. It actually happened. No big climbs at all today, just a nice ride along the banks of the river Nam Ou. Although I’ll pay for it tomorrow as it’s a 22km climb out of Louanghrabang! But no point worrying about it now, that’s tomorrow, or maybe not, I might stay another night!

River and mountains
Along the river Nam Ou

I’ve found a hotel tonight and have the internet, which is another reason why I may stop another night. It’s a lot more expensive than the guesthouses I’ve been staying in, but still cheap compared to European prices. I also found out from the hotel that Laos is in a different time zone to China. Laos is only seven hours ahead of the UK, instead of the eight hours in China. I’ve got an hour back, the first time since leaving home.

I asked reception where to go for supper tonight, and they directed me to this night market, which sounded really good. It wasn’t! Or rather it was if you like buying tourist goods and get charged a lot of money for the privilege! It sounds snobbish, but I don’t want to be where every other tourist is being charged 10,000 Lao kips for a beer, which only last night cost me 1500 kip! Needless to say, I didn’t stay there for long!

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