Bike-Ride to Australia 5th-February-2012

Bike-Ride to Australia Sunday 5th-February-2012 Ban Huai Kriap to Lang Suan. 92 miles. I saw some Buddhist monks this morning at the motorway services. They were going from one food vendor to another, getting food gifts. After receiving their food, the monks would say a prayer. I presume they took the food back to the temple for the other monks, or perhaps they gave it to the poor. They were certainly getting more food than they needed.

Gold Buddha statue
I’ve seen a few of these

I went into some toilets at lunchtime, and even though I looked at the sign, I still managed to go into the ladies! Bet I’m not the first bloke over here to go into the ladies, but the others are probably wannabe women!

Speaking of he/she men, every time I look at a pretty girl, I wonder whether they are really female or not! I always try to look at their Adam’s apple, although I don’t think that necessarily helps. Looking at many Thai men, they don’t seem to have an Adam’s apple anyway! Apparently, they can have it removed anyway, from what I’m told. They probably get it thrown in as part of a package when they get all their other bits removed!

It’s probably best I don’t look. I should hate the thought of looking at a pretty girl only to find out it isn’t! Still, at least it’s only looking it could be worse!!

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