Bike-Ride to Australia Sunday 1st-April-2012 Madura to Mundrabilla. 73 miles. Yay! I’ve seen some Kangaroos today. It was pretty cool to watch them bound across the road then hop off into the distance. They move at a fair rate of speed.
Shortish ride today! Or rather less than the eighty miles I like to do. I could have continued on to Eucla, which is about another fifty miles. But rather than have one long day, I’m splitting it in two and having two short days, especially as the day after is likely to be a long one. I think it’ll be over one hundred miles between roadhouses!
Some of the roads are so long and straight here. When a car or lorry overtakes you, you can still see it in the distance fifteen minutes later!
I’m starting to learn how to speak Aussie. Everything seems to end in either “o” as in servo, service station, or “ie” as in truckie, truck driver, or rather lorry driver! And flip flops are called thongs, which could cause all sorts of problems!
Don’t forget the main reason behind my ride, which is to raise as much money for cancer research charities as possible. Even the smallest donation helps. You can donate to Cancer Research or the Australian National Breast Cancer Foundation. Click on either one to donate.
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