Bognor-Regis 8th July 2021 I forgot to mention the actual operation yesterday. As it was a secondary stage hip operation, it was two operations!
Apparently, after they’d opened me up and removed the old hip! They had a good scrape about, and look around! Making sure there’s no infection! Then it was time for a break, and they left me lying on the slab with an open wound! After their break, they returned for part two and installed my new hip! I did ask what happens to the old hip. I thought they might have reused it, but apparently not! It just gets thrown away!
This morning went well, with visits from the physio and my surgeon. Physio was with me first, getting me up and doing exercises. Telling me what I could and couldn’t do! Then along came Mr Wakeling (my surgeon) and said not to bother with any of the restrictions that I’d just been told about! Mr McGivern is fine. He’s going home today! Yippee, that was great news, just what I wanted to hear.
Standing up for the first time felt very weird! I think I’ve got so used to having one leg shorter than the other! And despite everybody telling me how well I’m walking, it doesn’t feel right to me!
I didn’t have a particularly good nights sleep last night! Despite only four of us on the ward, three were snoring away, and one of them wasn’t me! I’m glad to be back home in my own house. Hopefully, I’ll get a good nights sleep tonight.
Flesh and bone! I can’t believe they can do that to a human body. I’ll never be able to keep up with you now on the Sandown trail.
I’m sure you will, as long as you have a bike and it’s not been stolen!!
Hope you have a good recovery just take your time to get well don’t do anything silly as a touring cyclists myself yes we all rush back on the bike too soon and then we have to take a longer period off with a lot more pain . I have done this myself and lived to regret it. So rest and your strength will return even if it take a bit longer.Good luck.
Thanks Edward, I know exactly what you’re saying! But it’s hard not to just keep pushing that little bit more!