Cycling The World Turkey 5th-August-2012

Garry McGivern’s cycling around the world, Sunday, 5th-August-2012 Ordu to Trabzon. 108 miles. A grey overcast start to the day, which kept the temperature down. And I even had some rain at one point. So I took shelter in a bus stop. It’s amazing how much the body temperature drops when standing around. I got quite chilly and was glad to get moving again.

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There were more tunnels today but nowhere near as long as yesterday’s one. I think the noise in the tunnels makes them more intimidating. Even the smallest of cars makes a huge racket. You can hear them coming from a long way back. As I cycle through the tunnels, I try and guess what the vehicle is by the sound it makes, whether it’s a car, pick-up or lorry. I got pretty good at it by the end of the day.

I had trouble understanding the menu in tonight’s restaurant and, in turn, making myself understood. So I had to resort to miming and making animal noises, which always brings a smile to everybody’s face!

Please Donate

Don’t forget the main reason behind my ride. I want to raise as much money for cancer research charities as possible. After my wife, Josie, died of breast cancer in 2007, aged only 42. Even the smallest donation helps. You can donate to Cancer Research UK or the Australian National Breast Cancer Foundation. Click on either one to donate. Every little bit helps to rid the world of this cruel disease.

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