Garry McGivern’s December 2018 update. Haha! Some of you may have received this email earlier or in its earlier version anyway, I had a bit of a technical breakdown, and for some reason, it decided to send it out. So apologies for that.
December has been a good month on the health front, and I’m starting to cycle a lot more although still not really any great distances. Although I have managed to cycle to Portsmouth a couple of times, Brighton and a few other places around Sussex. It’s been a good month on the cycling front.
Now at the end of the year, I’m feeling a lot better, my back, leg and hip, all seem really good! Although I still have to walk with a crutch!
So good, in fact, I’ve been trying to get away for the last month, but I just don’t seem to have any time I seem to always have appointments at hospitals or doctors!
I had to have an MRI scan just before Christmas, which hopefully was all okay. I’ve not heard anything back, so I’m assuming no news is good news!
The scan was to make sure there was no infection still lurking in my hip! It’s all part of the plan for getting me back up and running properly! Hopefully, its another box ticked on the route to having my hip replacement a permanent thing.
2018 Review
I was going to do a review of the past year, but after thinking about it and looking back at what’s happened, I decided it was best just to stay clear and move forward to next year. Although I have finally finished off the videos from the tour, I did before being admitted into hospital, which are now up on my YouTube channel.
Next Year
I’d like to think that next year I’ll be able to go away on the bike a bit more but knowing I’ve got to have this hip operation at some point which hopefully will be around March April time it’s a bit doubtful!
Although I’m hoping to go away in the next month or so.
Thank you all for taking the time to read my blogs and all the comments that I’ve received throughout the year, especially when I was so ill! Happy New Year to everybody and let’s hope for a better and healthier New Year in 2019.
Have a great 2019 Garry. Health, happiness and much good cycling. Best wishes from Jenette at Falls Retreat Bed & Breakfast in Perth, Western Australia…
And to you too. I hope you and Peter have a great and busy 2019.
I am pleased to read that you are cyclng already. have a great cyclng year 2019 !
Thanks András, you too have a happy cycling year, happy New Year.
You deserve a medal. If all else fails you can make it as a photographer. My bike is in the hall with puddeny tyres. It’s good to be out on the road,going one knows not where.
Best wishes – Malcollm.
Glad to hear your back on the bike, maybe you could go back to France on it!
Happy New Year Malcolm.