February 2019 Update

Well, it’s been a busy and eventful month, with trips away on the bike, days out, interesting hospital visits and to top it all some lovely weather!

Pint of beer on table
Enjoying a pint in the sun

The month started off with a weekend ride to Christchurch, I had intended going to Swanage, but changed my mind on route when I realised that I wouldn’t have made it until late if I would have made it at all!

The ride home from Christchurch was fun, I went on a couple of detours and found some interesting new places, Highcliffe Castle and Highcliffe Beach. Both of which I’ve cycled past dozens of times but never stopped to look at!

Highcliffe Castle

I was going to stay out for another night but after looking at the weather forecast decided to go home! Which as it turned out was the right decision, it was pouring with rain the following day!

I did manage to get away again, later in the month, this time it was for four days, but once again it didn’t go according to plan! A combination of closed roads and punctures being my main nemesis, but it was still enjoyable, and I managed to cycle 242 miles! Not quite up to my old standards, but it’s getting there, slowly but surely!


I’ve had plenty of hospital and doctors appointments throughout the month, in fact, I was looking the other day at just how many I’ve had since the New Year, eighteen! That works out at more than two a week, no wonder I don’t get any time to go away touring! And on my latest visit, I had to have a camera stuck up my bum, lovely!

Beach cliff sea
Highcliffe beach

All the doctors and specialists I see are all happy with my progress, which is one of the reasons why I’ve been trying to get away as much as possible this month. Before I know where I am, I’ll be back in that hospital having my hip operated on again!

My physiotherapist even gave me some exercises to do on my bike, while I cycle along!

Days Out

Julie had a few days holiday, so we went out on a couple of day trips, one day we went to Weymouth and London on the next. Both of which were enjoyable and involved a lot of walking and steps, particularly in Weymouth! Which as Julie pointed out, it’s been a few years since I was able to walk around playing the tourist! The past few years have normally been, we’d go somewhere, and I’d have to find somewhere to sit, which was usually a pub! Maybe this getting better thing isn’t as good as I thought!!

Man woman and steps
Come on old girl keep up

I had a fun, maybe fun isn’t the right word, stressful, that’s more appropriate! I had a stressful evening out at our local bingo hall! Some idiot (Mick) down the pub had the bright idea that it would be a good idea if a group of us went for a night out to bingo!

It was all very stressful trying to keep up with the caller, plus we got told to keep quiet! That was really annoying, especially as we’d just been told by a member of staff that it’s more like a social club! What sort of a social club is it if you can’t speak!

People sitting at tables
A motley looking crew trying to play bingo

In the end, though I think we all enjoyed it, plus we did manage to get a couple of winners!

Off Again

I hadn’t intended to be at home at the moment, I was going to be in France! I planned to catch the ferry from Newhaven to Dieppe and cycle the Avenue Verte into Paris, then come home via Caen to Portsmouth.

So at 4 am on Tuesday morning I left home and set off for Newhaven. Hoping to catch the 10 o’clock sailing. I’d only got a mile or two down the road when I started to get a rumbling in my stomach! I tried to ignore it, and it did go away for a bit. But nine miles down the road it came back, and this time I couldn’t ignore it and had to return home!

Odd Bits

All of my trips away are now filmed and are available to watch on my YouTube channel, although there may be a little bit of a delay as to when I cycle them and to when they’re available to watch on YouTube!

Early Spring flowers

We’ve had some pretty extraordinary weather to finish the month off! Not only has it been sunny, but it’s also been hot! It’s felt more like Spring than Winter. Let’s hope it continues, and we have a long hot summer again this year! Especially as I missed out on last years!!

All in all, it’s been a very good month, and I’ve enjoyed being able to get around to some of my old haunts. And hope to see many more before going back into the hospital!

2 Replies to “February 2019 Update”

  1. Well, that was a fantastic post – you put me to shame. Some stunning photos. One thing about being on the road: you can change your mind. Are you the man that had Sepsis?
    Best wishes – Malc.

    1. I really don’t put you to shame, remember the age thing!
      That’s one reason why I never book anywhere in advance, because you can change your mind!
      Definitely am the man who had sepsis, but hopefully that’s well behind me now! Although I still think I have got some of the aftereffects!

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