February 2020 Update

Garry McGivern’s February 2020 update. Well, that’s February out of the way, and winter is over and done with! Well, maybe not fully, but Spring is hopefully just around the corner! The days are getting longer, campsites are starting to open, and I’ve only got one more session of light therapy! We just need to get rid of the bad weather, which we seem to have been having for months now!

Swan in water
Swan on the boating lake in Littlehampton

The beginning of the month was good, we had some calm weather! Which I made the most of by going out for a few rides, only locally, but at least I managed to get out! It was definitely the calm before the storm though, as Storm Ciara hit, quickly followed by Storm Dennis! And it’s remained unsettled for the rest of the month!

I was hoping to be camping on the Isle of Wight this weekend (the last weekend of February.) Grange farm campsite has opened up for the season, but with storm, storm Jorge, I thought twice about it! After all, it’s not as if I’ve not been there before!

Pier sea
The old West Pier, Brighton

I’ve continued my light therapy throughout February, which has been steadily reducing, from three times a week, to two and now just once a week. And as mentioned earlier, I only have one more session to go! Those three months have certainly gone very quickly! ! Not too sure it’s made any difference, which is a bit disappointing. But at least I got a nice tan, and it was worth a try!

I think I may have had a mild dose of flu, as I really didn’t feel too good and was running a temperature for week or two, so I was a good boy and kept away from everyone, especially Indya! (And no it wasn’t Covid-19!)

Garry was running a temperature

There’s no news on a date for my hip surgery, making it look less likely that it’ll happen in March, but you never know! The other problem now is that Covid-19 which could clog up the hospitals! But every cloud has a silver lining, no operation means I might be able to go away somewhere! That’s if this weather ever improves!

Trying to get that one good photo
Other News

With all the strong winds, it’s made for some pretty spectacular seas! Which I’ve enjoyed watching, and have been down to the seafront most days. In the hope of getting that one good photo, which I never really managed, but at least it kept me occupied and out of trouble!

Apart from the rides at the beginning of the month. Trying to get that one good photo, and my visits to therapy, I’ve spent a lot of time in the kitchen, cooking more Asian meals. And have spent more time walking rather than cycling!

Chinese crispy pork belly

2 Replies to “February 2020 Update”

  1. Wow! All those journeys to Worthing in those winds. How many countries did you touch on your last trip? Pity you couldn’t have the hip done in France. (or India) I wouldn’t mind catching the virus he! he!

    1. It certainly has been rather windy. Hopefully, this month will be quieter!
      The last trip, my Eurovelo tour was four countries, France, Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands. All countries, I’ve cycled in before, but maybe if I can get this hip sorted, I can explore some new countries later this year.
      I think I’ll wait for the good old national health service, rather than go abroad, although I’ve got a friend who managed to get his hip done in Italy, on their health service!
      I hope you won’t catch Covid-19, although if you are going to catch your probably best getting it early, while the hospitals can cope!

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