Garry McGivern Travelsonabike2 is cycle touring in England on Friday, 22nd-March-2019. Portsmouth to Bognor Regis. 32 miles. Haha, what an idiot! No wonder I’ve found this ride a bit hard going, especially yesterday and I don’t mean because of the distance!
I discovered today, although I’ve been thinking about it all week, but kept forgetting, I must check my tyre pressures! Well, I eventually did today!
No wonder I’ve found it hard going, they were down to 30 psi, instead of 60!
Now because I know that this is something that I always forget, I’ve got an alarm on my phone that goes off every three weeks, to remind me, check tyre pressures! That obviously works well!!
Once I’d pumped my tyres up, I flew home from Portsmouth!
After boarding the ferry last night, I had everyone running around after me!
My walking with a stick, (although I wished that I’d taken my crutch now,) played well for me! Staff noticed how difficult I was finding it to walk, and firstly took me to the lift, which takes you from the car deck up to the main area. Once on the main deck, there was a member of staff waiting to carry my bag (I only had one) to my berth! And then when I went to the self-service restaurant, it wasn’t self-service, I had them running around after me!
I did feel a little guilty and kept saying I was fine and could manage, but they weren’t having any of it! To which I must admit I was very grateful, I really was walking badly!
The legs were still a bit bad this morning, but once I was on the bike, they were fine.
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Another adventure under your belt. I thought that quirky house was yours. Fancy puddeny tyres? With all that luggage it’s a wonder you didn’t bump along. Youv’e been to Paris and back and I’ve just been sat here watching you. They all bent over to help you but they couldn’t have matched your ride of 100 miles.
Hopefully I’ll be able to have some more adventures before my next operation!
Maybe you should go to Paris again, it’d be interesting to hear what you thought of it now!
When I was on the ferry, I kept thinking that they didn’t realise what I’d just done, they probably thought, poor old boy!