Bike-Ride To Australia 25th-November 2011 Istanbul. After checking into the hotel last night, I went for a much-needed haircut. It wasn’t that it was that long. I just like it nice and short. It requires very little maintenance, and I don’t wake up with bed hair! I also had a hot towel shave while there. My supper was tasty, and I had it at the hotel’s rooftop restaurant, which looks out on Istanbul and the Bosporus.
I woke up this morning at my normal time of 5.30. Only today, I didn’t have to rush around packing my bags and loading my bike! It was nice not having to rush around, although it did feel rather odd! No doubt, after a day or two, I’ll get bored with staying put and want to get moving again! But until that time I’ll enjoy relaxing in my rather nice hotel! Although I can’t see the Bosporus from my room, I can hear the low sound of foghorns from the ferries that cross back and forth from Asia to Europe.

After a leisurely breakfast, I had a few things I needed to do on the website, which took much longer than expected! Once finished on the website, I went out for a walk. It was only a brief walk, as it was time to go and meet Julie at the airport! The hotel had already told me the best way to get to the airport and which bus to catch. No wonder my ride into Istanbul yesterday was so hairy! I’ve seen how they drive from the other side now! I was glad to reach the airport alive!
Julies flight was on time, and it was great to see her again, even though it had only been a month since I last saw her! And it’s not as if I’ve not spoken to her via Skype, but you can’t beat face-to-face meetings. We ran the gauntlet of the bus back to the hotel, and It wasn’t any better the second time! By the time we arrived back at the hotel, most of the day had gone. So we retired to the bar, playing the tourist will have to wait until tomorrow!
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