Bike-Ride to Australia 9th-March-2012

Bike-Ride to Australia Friday 9th-March-2012. In Cirebon. I decided to stay another night in Cirebon after all. My stomach was feeling a bit dodgy. And as this is a rather pleasant little hotel with lovely staff, I’m better off staying put. I think I’ve got enough time in hand to get to Bali and catch my flight to Australia!

Palm trees
My hotel and ratty’s home

On days that I’m not cycling, the appeal of stopping is always greater than the actual event. I enjoy not having to get up so early, load the bike and rush off. I know I don’t have to leave so early, but once I’m up and loaded, I just want to get going before it gets too hot. But after the initial lazy breakfast and spending an hour or two on the laptop, I’m bored! And wished I’d not stayed! Especially when I start feeling better!

I went out for a walk this morning and got mobbed by a load of school children all wanting their photos taken with me! You’d think they’d never seen a white man before! Maybe they hadn’t! They were all so nice and polite, and of course, I was more than happy to oblige. News travels fast, on the same walk, people were gesturing to me where my bike was, even though I’d never seen them before. Well, I didn’t think I had. Maybe they saw me cycle in yesterday, still impressed they recognised me.

I don’t like to admit it, but I had a real craving for western-style food today! I had a Mcdonald’s for lunch, then KFC tonight! Back at the hotel, I saw my friend the rat again! There’s a water feature in the centre of the hotel with plants. I think he lives in there.

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