Garry McGivern’s May-2022 Update

There’s not much more that I can add that I’ve not already said this month, either on here or on YouTube. But I’m sure I can still think of something to bore you with in Garry McGivern’s May-2022 update. It’s been a busy month with a few rides out, which I’ve already covered. And this last weekend, I’ve been busy getting ready for my trip to the hospital.

I went shopping on Friday to get enough supplies for the weekend and for when I come out of hospital. I had my Cocid-19 test on Saturday the 28th, which was all clear as far as I know. And I spent the weekend self-isolating at home, which, to be honest, wasn’t too bad as the Monaco Grand Prix was on.

Shopping trolley full of beer
Essential supplies

Monday morning came, and I started to get the house ready for my return. I was changing beds, hoovering, and dusting. Basic, boring household chores that were always an effort, even before I had a bad hip! I cut the grass and got the garden up to date, knowing that it would look like a jungle after two weeks away. I got all my disability aids ready, as in a bath seat, trolley and zimmer frame, and packed my bags.

Things Aren’t As They Seem

I should be writing this from my hospital bed, recovering from my surgery. Unfortunately, I’m not. I’m at home. The operation never went ahead! Which is so annoying and frustrating. As I was saying, I was busy getting everything ready and had nearly finished when the phone went. It was the hospital ringing to cancel my operation. Well, that was a wasted weekend. And now I’ve got to go through it all again next week. It’s all so annoying and frustrating, but there’s nothing I can do about it. I’ll just wait to see what happens next week.

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