Garry McGivern’s November-2022 Update

November-2022 update Garry McGivern’s monthly update. Water water everywhere, not a drop to drink. Well, at least there’s plenty to drink. The trouble is there’s also plenty everywhere else. It’s been a wet and windy month, with floods and high seas. Not exactly ideal weather for cycling, although I have been out a few times, but only locally. A lot of the time, I’ve been out walking.

As I think I may have mentioned in last month’s update, I was thinking of going away on a longer tour. And as much as I would love to fly off somewhere and tour, I am still a little worried about my fitness. Or rather my health. I don’t want to go somewhere, become unwell and have the problem of getting home. So I thought I would head over to France again, despite not knowing where to go, but I would have worried about that once I was there.

But then a couple of things happened, and I had to wait for a phone call from the hospital. Not knowing the outcome of the phone call, whether I would have to go to the hospital or not. I decided not to go to France. I just knew that the hospital would want to see me if I went abroad. But as it turned out, I don’t need to go until December.

Beach and big waves
Rough seas in Felpham

Cycling in the UK it would be, then. At least if I had to get home quickly, it wouldn’t be a problem. I could just jump on a train. But as I mentioned earlier, the weather has been awful. If it’s not been raining, it’s been blowing a gale. But most of the time, it’s been doing both together. And then I had the slight problem of cracking my ribs, making cycling rather painful.


I was at home sitting at the dining room table, where I usually sit. It’s where I’m most comfortable. Anyway, while watching television one evening, I dozed off, which is nothing new. But on this occasion, I was woken up with a sudden thud as I hit the ground, trapping my arm underneath my torso and pushing my elbow into my ribs! And before anybody asks, no, I hadn’t been drinking, well, not much!

Other News

With all the speculation around Twitter at the moment, I signed up to Mastadon. But I haven’t managed to get my head around it yet. It all seems rather complicated and not user-friendly.

There are a couple of short videos that I’ve posted on my YouTube channel and Facebook page. They are both somewhat short and show the bad weather and some of its effects.

I’ve also given in and bought an Airfryer; everybody seems to be raving about them, so I thought I’d give it a go myself. I only received it the other day and haven’t had a chance to use it yet. It’ll be something to play with on wet days.

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