June 2017 Update 

I really don’t know where this month has gone it seems to have just flown by!

Ship Inn on the quayside in Lymington
The Ship Inn on the quayside in Lymington

The month started off with a weekend ride to the New Forest and Isle of Wight, (just for a change!) Followed by my ride to Bridgwater a week or so later!

Water garden
Along the Red Squirrel Trail on the Isle Of Wight

I was due to go on another ride this past weekend but this being Britain the weather decided to take a turn for the worse!

The weather this month has been absolutely gorgeous with temperatures in the 30’s, which is very unlike Britain! But things decided to return to normal last weekend!

Fisherman on Ryde pier
Fisherman on Ryde pier

I was going to cycle to Hastings and visit some friends, but the weather broke and it became really windy!

Garry McGiver at Longleat
Garry just before going on safari

Not being ideal cycling weather I cancelled Hastings (I’ll go down later in the year) and decided to make some more boring videos to put on YouTube!

The first video I made was one that I’d shot earlier on in the month on my trip to the Isle of Wight.

I also made a video to go on my Facebook page which was basically a collection of photos.

And finally one of the seafront at Portsmouth.

Their certainly nothing special as you’d expect but it keeps me out of trouble editing them!

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2 Replies to “June 2017 Update ”

  1. Blow me – you’ll get to know the Isle of Wight better than me. That ride to Hastings will be tough.

    1. Your probably right there, but it is a great place to know!
      After Seaford it does get a little hilly, especially by the Seven Sisters country park!

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