June 2018 Update

Haha, well, June got off to a really good start, not! As I said last month, I’ve been in a lot of pain. But not in my hip or back but in my lower leg, with the pain got so bad I ended up going to the hospital! After several hours of prods, pokes, tests and checks, they now think I’ve got Compartment Syndrome on top of everything else! And their advice was that it would probably get better when I get my hip done. But in the meantime, get plenty of rest! Rest I’ve been doing that for the past month or two how much more rest do I need?

Dog on a table
Wilson stopped by to say hello

Because of having so much pain, I’ve not been out on the bike very much! In fact, the only cycling I’ve been doing has been in and around Bognor! As you can imagine, I’ve found it pretty boring! I think people think I’m the new village idiot (new?) cycling around and around the same circuit two or three times a day!


After having enough of cycling around the same streets for a week or two, I decided to venture a bit further and cycled to Portsmouth and back again. It made a nice little round trip of 75 miles, which I enjoyed! The only problem was I was in a lot of pain afterwards. And it took me three days to recover!

Beer on a bike
There’s meant to be a beer shortage so Garry stocked up

Not learning my lesson from the previous week, I cycled back to Portsmouth the following week! And once again ended up in a lot of pain! This time though the pain was so bad I had to go to the doctor and get some stronger painkillers!

Maybe with these new painkillers, things might be a lot better, and I’ll be able to cycle pain-free. Although I am a bit sceptical about taking them as there are quite a few nasty side effects! And to top it all you are not allowed to drink with them!


As you may or may not be aware, I’ve been having some problems with my MSR Hubba Tour tent ever since I bought it! Well, the people at MSR are sending me a new, updated version of the tent, which hopefully addresses some of the issues I’ve been having! It should arrive early next week; then, hopefully, I’ll go away for a night or two to test it out, pain or no pain!

Man at a table
Garry enjoying the sunshine

The weather here has been glorious. It’s been more like Barbados than Bognor. This is a bit frustrating as it would be lovely to be able to go away on tour! But instead of touring, I’ve been sitting out in the garden with the laptop. Re-writing the daily blogs, I send out and making them into books which are available to buy on Amazon.

As promised last month, there are also some new videos up on my YouTube channel!

Still no news on a date for my operation!

4 Replies to “June 2018 Update”

  1. Hi Garry, I will be interested to see what the alterations are to the Hubba Tour II as I bought one when the. came out and am currently cycling across the Pyrenees.
    I have found the same faults that you recorded, like you I bought it on the MSR brand, having bought their products before.

    Best Regards


    1. Hi Alan, I hope it doesn’t rain too much for you then if you’ve got the same tent!
      Funnily enough, I received the new MSR tent yesterday but haven’t had a chance to look at it yet!
      From what MSR told me they’ve added another guy out point at the back to stop the inner and outer tent touching! Apart from that, I don’t know what differences are; I’ll find out later today!
      Good luck with your tour in the Pyrenees, I hope it’s all going well.

  2. Hey Man! I was going to mention books but you’re already onto it. I’ll have to try one. I expect you have tried chiropractors but keep out of hospitals if you can.
    Best wishes – Malcolm.

    1. No I’ve not tried a chiropractor, maybe I should. although I don’t think they would help with my hip!

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