May 2018 Update

The month started off well with a cycle ride to Salisbury and the Isle of Wight; It was only a short ride, as I only had a couple of days to spare!

Salisbury cathedral
Salisbury cathedral

Bit of a strange place to go you may think, especially after the poisoning of that former Russian spy, but I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go that wasn’t too far away and that I’d not been to in the past month or two! I think I got away without picking anything up! But then who could tell I seem to have so many things wrong with me, it would just get lost in amongst all my other ailments!

Police line
The scene of the poisoning in Salisbury still cordoned off

The rest of the month has been spent at home as I’ve had something on nearly every day, not that I think I would have been able to go too far I’m in a lot of pain most days and it doesn’t seem to matter whether I sit, stand or cycle! The only way I seem to get any relief is by laying down!

Netley Abbey
Netley Abbey



Things on the hip front are moving in the right direction albeit very slowly! I’ve had my pre-operation assessment which seemed to be okay, (just seemed like a lot of form filling to me) and I’ve had the occupational therapy people around to assess my needs post operation! I’ve also attended “joint school” and not the type you smoke! It was more about the detail of the operation, what physio to do, diet and what anaesthesia they use, all useful stuff but no doubt I’ll have forgotten it all by the time I have my op! In theory, it’s all done to aid a speedy recovery! I’m all for that!

Floating Bridge
The Floating Bridge on the Isle of Wight was working for once

Not having any time to go on another tour this month and spending a lot of time at home, has given me plenty of time to make loads more videos! Which can you can find on my YouTube channel. And luckily for you, there’s still more to come! I’m still editing the videos from last months tour to Swanage and London, and I’ve still got the ride I did at the beginning of this month to Salisbury to do, I bet you can’t wait! Subscribe to my YouTube channel then you’ll always know when a new video gets published!

Bicycle on a table
Garry’s new workbench

I forgot to mention it, but a few months ago I noticed that my old patio table was rotten, so I decided to make a new one. Anyway, after making it, I was going to have a barbecue to try it out, but I couldn’t find any friends to come round! So it now comes in handy as a workbench!

4 Replies to “May 2018 Update”

  1. Fabulous patio table, hope the op goes well. When are you due to go under the knife? Cheers.

    1. Thanks for that, it nearly killed me making it, it got so heavy!
      I’d like to think that my op will be soon, but it’s the NHS, and we know what they’re like!

  2. Hi Garry! I just bloody admire you. All that sweat and toil and you go off camping – not to mention that bench. I’m going to Salisbury soon but it’ll be by train.
    Have you been to Rotterdam?
    I’ve got a hammer toe. It doesn’t compare with your problems but walking is painful. I’ll be out on the old Dawes today – it’s the best tonic you can get.

    1. Been to Rotterdam a couple of times, once many moons ago when I was a boy scout! And also in 2010 when I went to Italy. If memory serves me right I remember wondering how to get across a river there and Holland being Holland there was a lift that took you and the bike down to a tunnel purely for cyclists!
      I hope the hammer toe gets better soon, as you say best tonic is to get out on the bike!

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