Travelsonabike2 bike ride Monday 15th-April-2019. Adgestone to Bognor Regis. 13 miles. The weather forecast from yesterday was correct. It was blowing a gale today, and as predicted, I got the train home from Portsmouth. I don’t enjoy the ride home from Portsmouth at the best of times, so I’m certainly not going to battle against some strong headwind if I don’t have to!

The ride from Adgestone to Ryde was okay. The tall hedges lining the narrow lanes sheltered me from much of the wind. And once I’d reached the main road, I was cycling in a different direction, not against the wind. Once I was in Ryde, it was an easy ride along the seafront with the wind behind me. Although cycling up Ryde pier to the ferry was a bit hairy!
Sad news on that accident yesterday, that bus I saw was involved. And sadly one person lost their life, with nineteen others being taken to hospital! My condolences to all involved.

Not many miles covered these past few days, but then it was never about cycling huge distances! It was more a case of visiting some of my regular campsites that have just opened up for the season.
Total miles covered in my three days of cycling 103. Plus 32 miles by train and ferry!
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Hi Garry! I can’t keep up with you on my computer let alone a bicycle. I got half way to Island Harbour in that terrible wind. You did the right thing to get the train back. I’m hoping to get to Brighton next month to see thr elm trees in Preston Park.
Best wishes – Malc.
Good on you for even trying!
Brighton will be nice, I always enjoy going there, although I never venture as far as Preston park.