Well that’s not been a very nice day for cycling, which is fine because I haven’t! I was wondering whether to stay on the island for one more night but after looking at the weather forecast for today which was for wind and rain and tomorrow looks even worse I decided to come home. I knew I couldn’t hang around too much today as the rain was forecast to come in at about 11 and I would have preferred to miss it if possible. It was a fairly swift ride across the island due to there being a strong tailwind and I got on the 9.30 ferry. On the trip across the water I could see the rain coming in and by the time we docked it had started to rain so that made my mind up to get the train home! I was literally 500 yards from home when the rain finally caught me! Spent the rest of the day at home just fiddling about, didn’t fancy seeing anybody or doing anything as it would have been my 30th wedding anniversary today and I just wanted to be on my own!
It’s September and the rain an the wind has got it in for you. Why don’t you cycle to Paris? It has a good cycle lane network.
I was thinking of going to France, not Paris though but the weather didn’t look too good there either!