Bike-Ride To Australia 7th-November 2011 Geislingen to Mering 83 miles. The temperature is really starting to plummet now, especially when there’s no sun! I might have to dig my thermals out soon!
Not too sure what happened first thing this morning! But I’d been cycling for nearly two hours when I passed a sign, which, if correct? Said that I’d only travelled nine kilometres! I tried to see if a 2 or maybe even a 1 had fallen off, which would have made sense. But there was no sign of anything else ever having been there!
I had a good laugh in the hotel last night with a couple of the locals and staff. I couldn’t get the internet on my notebook, so the chef, who knew everything, tried and failed miserably! But he just wouldn’t give up or listen to anybody else. He knew best! He eventually gave up, saying something about my notebook being wrong, surprising that! The second chef and waitress between them did it straight away! The head chef just walked off as we all laughed under our breath!

I had some company this afternoon. An old boy joined me for a time. He was off to see his daughter in the next village.
I think there could be some thigh-slapping tonight! All the men are dressed in lederhosen and the women in dirndl (I had to look up the women’s clothing!) I know I’m in Bavaria but is this how they dress all the time? I’m not sure about the clothes, but I like their beer! I’ll have a Steiner, please!
As you might tell, there’s not been a lot happening today! However, I did see a black squirrel! Is that normal? And I passed a Woolworths. I thought they’d closed down or is it just the UK branches that closed? I did think about going in and getting some pick and mix!
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