Saturday, October 23rd 2021 Video-Update. An update on Garry’s health and, in particular, his hip. He’s still getting a lot of grief from his hip and is off to the hospital in Chichester in this video. There’s also, an explanation as to why Garry’s not been away anywhere on his bike. Apart from the obvious one, his hip.
Chichester is only a short distance away, but at least it gives Garry an excuse to get out on his bike.
You can watch the video below or on Garry’s YouTube channel. But honestly, it won’t be any more enjoyable wherever you watch the video! You can also subscribe to his channel. You’ll then be amongst the first to know when Garry releases a new video. Or subscribe to Garry’s emails and receive all of his updates.
October 23rd 2021 Video-Update
Subscribe to Garry’s YouTube channel.
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If you want to find out if Garry’s away touring at the moment and check his location, visit the Where’s Garry page.
Hi Garry! I was exhausted just watching the video. My hip came out in sympathy. You’ve got an amazing track record and your not finished yet. I’m a wimp, I’ve put my bike away for the winter.
I met a mate in Cowes who was caught on the Red Jet. It had a fire in the galley.
When in St Malo, did you ever take the ferry to Jersey?
Not as exhausted as I was! I hope your hip is okay?
I’m certainly not finished yet! It’s coming up to the tenth anniversary of the start of my world tour! So it’s even more prevalent in my mind at the moment that I get away! I think that once this hip gets sorted, even if it is with a temporary one, I’m off on an extensive tour!
Winter, we don’t have them these days. All the seasons seem to be very similar, apart from a slight temperature change. Get that bike back out!
No, I’ve never made it to Jersey or Guernsey, although I’ve often thought about getting the ferry from Granville rather than Saint-Malo.