Odd Photos Taken In May 2017

A collection of photos that Garry has posted in the last month on Twitter and Facebook whilst he’s travelled around on his bike, plus one or two extra ones!

Hospital visits, New Forest, Isle of Wight, Littlehampton and some places in between!


4 Replies to “Odd Photos Taken In May 2017”

  1. Hi Garry! Good photos. Give me notice next time you’re in the Island and I’ll meet you on my electric bike. How’s yer back?

    1. Thanks Malcolm, how much notice do you need? I don’t usually know myself when i’m coming over until i’m at the ferry terminal!
      The backs a lot easier after my weekend ride thanks.

      1. Well, just an hour on I went to the chiro today and he only charged me thirty quid which I appreciated. I can get to Cowes in 45 minutes. It would take me about an hour to get to Ryde.
        Best wishes – Malc.

        1. Glad you felt better after your visit to the chiropractic. I’ll give you a call the next time i’m over and probably meet you in Newport.

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