Bike-Ride To Australia 17th-December 2011

Bike-Ride To Australia Saturday 17th-December 2011 Deori to Raipur. 90 miles. It seems a bit cooler today but still pleasantly warm. I didn’t have the nicest of starts to the day. After about an hour of cycling, I came across a truck, upside down, down an embankment. There’s nothing new there. I see lorries that have crashed all the time. This one must have happened recently. There was a body lying on the side of the road covered with a blanket! Not nice!

I was all set for a nice early finish today when I got stopped by a man on a motorcycle about twenty miles from Raipur. Nothing new there. I keep getting stopped for a chat. The man introduced himself and said that his friend ran a newspaper and wanted to interview me! They had passed me earlier in the day and wanted to know where I was going! Why not, I thought, and off we set with me following another scooter.

At The Daily Planet

I got introduced to Mr Chittor and his colleague Mr Vires at the newspaper’s office. After hearing where I was going and its motivations, Mr Chittor explained that Mr Vires wife also had cancer! After we’d been talking for a while, another man turned up with a TV crew! They got me to ride up and down the road while they filmed. Before sitting me down in front of my bike, the TV man interviewed me. After a while, a crowd started to gather, as normal! When the interviewer had finished, he asked I had a message for the people of India! Blimey, talk about being put on the spot. I think I just said thank you for all being so kind to a stranger!

Man being interviewed
My fifteen minutes of fame

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