Bike-Ride To Australia Saturday 7th-January 2012 Dhaka. My last full day in Dhaka and Bangladesh! Breakfast seems to be getting less and less each day. Today there wasn’t any juice until I asked for some. And yesterday there wasn’t any butter, again until I asked for it. The butter came out in a dish surrounded by frozen water! There was no chance of getting anywhere that for at least an hour! I wish I hadn’t bothered!
I spent most of the morning on the computer. The internet is so slow it takes forever to do anything. And after lunch, I went to have my last cup of tea at Tully’s and say goodbye. Unfortunately, I never got to say goodbye. She wasn’t there. It was her husband instead!

My local restaurant didn’t let me down, though, and I was able to have one last roti and chicken. When I say a restaurant, don’t think for one minute that it’s like a restaurant we have back home with pretty table cloths, nice tables and chairs and a varied selection of meals and desserts. This restaurant has plastic covers on the tables, which is probably just as well. The locals just spit the chicken bones straight out onto the table! The place is lit with bright fluorescent lights. And the only things on the menu are curry, vegetable or chicken, and sometimes fish served with either a roti or rice. But the food is good, and the people are friendly and have been very kind to me over the past week! One thing is for sure I’ll miss the roti and chicken! Still onto Chinese food for my next diet!
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