St Richards Hospital 25th-August-2018

Garry McGiven is currently in St Richards Hospital Chichester, Saturday, 25th-August-2018 recovering from severe sepsis shock. Now I don’t know what everybody knows or doesn’t! I don’t know too much myself! So please forgive me if I repeat everything you already know. I was admitted to St Richard’s hospital in excruciating pain on the 22nd of July and had no idea what was causing it!

Man in a hospital bed
Garry in ICU

After spending a few days in hospital being passed from ward to ward, the ugly truth of what was wrong with me reared its head! I had severe sepsis shock, and the organs in my body were rapidly starting to shut down! I was then put into an induced coma and on a respirator for a week. Not that I remember any of that; it’s just what I’ve been told! But apparently, I’m lucky to still be here! But that’s all in the past, and I obviously survived.

Man on a bike
Garry in Italy in 2010

I’ve now got months of recovery to look forward to both in hospital and at home. So it could be a while before I’m back on the bike, but never fear, I will return at some point! It’s just I’m finding everything hard to do at the moment! And please don’t think I’m ignoring you; if you’ve sent me a message, I will reply.

Subscribe to my blog and follow me on the road to recovery. Plus, as a subscriber, you’ll be the first to know once I’m back on my bike. And, of course, you can always follow me on social media Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest.

14 Replies to “St Richards Hospital 25th-August-2018”

  1. Hi Garry, so glad to hear that you seem to have turned a corner in your awful illness. The only way now,is up! Keep positive lots of love Karen and Chris (Pauls mum) xxx

  2. Great to see you well enough to post an update, Garry. Hans and I wish you a very speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you back on your feet again!

  3. Garry, you are indomitable, just keep going and you are invited to a party at our house on 8th September at lunchtime to celebrate John’s life.

    1. Thanks Trish, unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be out by Friday, but if I am I will I most certainly will be there.
      Hope it all goes well and your keeping well.

    1. Thanks András, I hope to be able ride with you once again when I’m better and maybe this time not end up in some brothel, at the end of the day!!

  4. What have they done to you man! Have you had a hip done? Sepsis – that’s a bummer.
    Never mind, I’ll send you videos of people cycling roung the world. I’m hoping to cycle round Langstone Harbour next week.
    Best wishes – Malcolm

  5. So good to hear from you Spike. My thoughts have been with you and wishing you well all the way. Of course along with so many. Sending you lots of good wishes for a full recovery as can’t wait to see you out on your bike again. Sending big hugs Liz xx

    1. Thanks for your kind words Liz. I might not be out on the bike too soon, but hopefully I will in the not too distant future

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