St-Richards-Hospital 25th July 2021

St-Richards-Hospital 25th July 2021. Haha! Well, the drugs have truly kicked in by the looks of things! I put today’s date on yesterday’s post! So rather than confuse myself anymore (if that’s even possible!) I’ve used yesterday’s date for today’s post, and hopefully, return to normal tomorrow!

Hospital room
Got my room set up to my liking now!

I was tested for Covid-19 last night, which I think she said they do every three days. And then, I got tested again this morning! There definitely seems to be a lack of communication here sometimes!

Not too sure if I’ve mentioned this before but, I’m on the same ward as before! And I remember some of the staff, as they do me. Not too sure if that’s a good thing or not! But the nurse I spoke to just remembers because I was so ill last time, whatever! But the longer I’m in here, the more I realise it’s not as I remember it!

People under canopy
Let’s have a picnic just by the main entrance!

I saw my consultant this morning, and I’m really hoping that I miss heard what he said! He was talking about getting that PICC line thing in, then I asked about my infection markers! He said that he wouldn’t know what they were until after my blood tests today. But you are our guest until they are down, which could be six weeks!! I must admit that I’d be surprised if they did keep me here that long. But if that’s what it takes, then so be it!

The monitor was used to find my vein and install the PICC line
Next Proceedure

I’ve had my PICC line fitted today, although it’s not quite the same as last time. Last time the line went down to my heart. This time it’s only in 15mm. The girl who performed the procedure did explain it all to me. But as you’d expect it went in one ear and straight out the other!

Annoyingly my infection markers are still up at 254, but they’re more than half what they were. So at least they’re heading in the right direction. They’re meant to be around 5/10!

7 Replies to “St-Richards-Hospital 25th July 2021”

  1. Suffering again your reward will be in heaven ,hope you don’t have to stay there to long but that could have been your problem you were send home far to early after your operation and you didn’t do what you were told rest the body needs time to heal.So take care hope to hear from you tomorrow.

  2. Oh crikey Garry ………….
    What can I say, other than you truly are making your presence e felt.
    Let’s hope they stamp this infection out once and for all – it seems very persistent!
    You’ll be back on that bike before you know it, but til then, keep going with the entertainment 😂😂😂
    FREEDOM DAY?? Bet you’re thinking what the hell is that.
    Sending lots of love 😘

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