St-Richards-Hospital 29th July 2021. Well my new pump was going all night and still seems to be drawing blood! And as the doctor said to me yesterday “what looks bad to us is nothing to what the consultants see, and I know they know what they’re doing.”

I’m sure they do, and as long as I don’t bleed to death, I’m happy! I said.

My consultant visited this morning and looked at my pump. We can leave this going for another week he said. As long as your infection markers are coming down! But if they’re not, well best we don’t go there!
I had a blood test this morning. And from what I can see my markers are coming down. They are now at 125 still way over what they should be, but at least they’re heading in the right direction. Let’s hope it’s enough!

I went for a walk down the ward earlier this morning and saw that there was a whole bay empty. Which I thought was good. Until I later learned that they had to evacuate in the middle of the night, due to a water leak! Which seems to have got worse as the day has gone on!
Even in Hospital you lead an exciting life. You could fit a couple of pannier bags on that zimmer frame. I’m surprised they haven’t taken that camera away from you.
Could you smuggle us one of those night gowns?
That’s not a bad idea, I never thought about panniers! I’ll get some brought in!
They’ve not found the camera yet, despite the room searches!
They’re quite good these gowns, I’m thinking of getting one myself!!