St-Richards-Hospital 6th September 2021

St-Richards-Hospital 6th September 2021, a busy day! After the normal morning routine of blood pressure, oxygen levels, heart rate, temperature, breakfast, me having a moan that my meds still hadn’t been sorted! And washing! I was all ready for the day!

My nice quiet room, not for long!

First up was my intravenous antibiotics. At the same time, Mr Wakeling came with his team, to check on my progress. They’re still not sure what bug caused my infection! Whether it’s my old friend Staphylococcus Aureus or a new one, who knows? Friend might not be the right word! But seeing as it’s been lurking inside me for at least three years. It obviously likes me, so maybe I should befriend it! Of course, it may have been in my body long before 2018, as the bug is associated with Asia and respiratory disease! And I’ve been to one of those and had the other, a couple of times! IE pneumonia!

Fish tank in the entrance to the ward

While Mr Wakeling was there, knowing that the doctor was also there! I took the opportunity to mention my drugs problem to him again, think I’ll rephrase that! Issue’s with my medication!

He couldn’t be more apologetic, and had a go at the doctor, who I did feel a little sorry for! She was only young and I know it wasn’t her who was told to sort it out last time, but she was the doctor there today! I live in hope that it will all be sorted by tomorrow morning!

After Mr Wakeling and his posse had left, Kari my infection control nurse popped in to see me. Purely to see how I was doing. Next to enter my room was the physiotherapist who got me back on my crutches. I’ve been using a Zimmer frame up till now.

The cannula was blocked causing a slight bump

Garry, great name by the way! The physiotherapist left and the cleaners entered the room, followed immediately by housekeeping! It was then time for my obs to be done again.

Can I Not Get A rest

Observations all done, and my phone rings. One of my old customers wanting some work done! Which for obvious reasons I had to decline. Then while I was on the phone somebody else was phoning me! As the conversation finished, lunch turned up! And as soon as that had finished they came in to take my blood! Quickly followed by the chemist, and then physio again! The physios came back again to check that I could walk up and down the stairs okay. A good sign that I might be going home soon!

Once back in my room the young doctor from the morning came in to sort my medication out! We’ll see what happens there!

Indya trying to fix Grandad

Vicky and Indya came to visit me next, so we went and sat out in the sun. And Indya tried her new doctors set out on me! No sooner had they gone and I’d walked back up to my room, and I was off for an x-ray! I was worn out by the end of the day!

4 Replies to “St-Richards-Hospital 6th September 2021”

  1. Doctor Indy looks very professional and switched on. Maybe she could sort out your med’s; if they don’t look like M&M’s that is🙂

  2. You can cycle 500 miles but one day in that institution leaves you prostrate. I suppose germs lie dormant in all of us. Chicken Pox breaks out in later life as shingles.

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