St-Richards-Hospital 8th September 2021, well that was a good night’s sleep, possibly my best yet! Which was probably down to the fact that I’d done a lot of walking, or I was more comfortable. Now they’ve sorted out my pain relief!

After Vicky’s visit last night I walked with her car, on the way we spotted some foxes. I was told that there’s a family of foxes living in the bushes across from the hospital. I think I may have mentioned something about a fox on my last stay here. Anyway, after spotting them I said goodbye to Vicky and went back to my room to get my camera. Proper cameras are still a lot better than phone camera’s, even if you have the latest phone.

My room overlooks the bushes so I didn’t have far to go, apart from two flights of stairs! I got back, got my camera and went back outside where the foxes were playing. They were very cautious, as you might expect, but didn’t runoff. So I was all set to take some pictures. Unfortunately, even though I was pretty quick getting my camera the light had gone, so I was unable to get any good photos! But I’ll try again this evening, now I know where they are.

I had more blood tests today, which show my infection markers coming down. Not that they were that high anyway, so that’s good. Unfortunately, though my wound is still weeping!
Well you got to Athens and here you are doing wild life photography at St Richards. he he.
No Acropolis here! Only a croc of people!