St-Richards-Hospital 9th September 2021

St-Richards-Hospital 9th September 2021, well I went out last night or rather evening to see if I could snap the foxes. But they weren’t playing ball! Not too sure why? It may have been because it was raining, which developed into a thunderstorm? Animals sense these sorts of things and know when they’re coming. I could hear them in the bushes, and they would poke their heads out a couple of times! But they never fully came out. In the end, I gave up. The tree I was sheltering under was starting to let the rain through! It also got too dark! I’ll say that I’ll try tomorrow, in the hope that I won’t be here! But if I am, I’ll give it another go.

Sunset last night

How ironic! After failing to see the foxes last night, I looked out my window, this morning and there was three of them sitting directly opposite my room! Unfortunately, I couldn’t take a photo as the window only opens about an inch, for safety reasons! Bloody health and safety again! It’s health and safety and reality TV that has ruined this world!

Not A Good Day

This morning, the nurse came in to administer my intravenous antibiotics, only to find the cannula had packed up! Which is nothing new. They always have to change them on me! Although after saying that, this visit has been good, I’m only on my fourth one! They’re meant to last three days! I wasn’t looking forward to the nurse putting a new cannula in me. She didn’t exactly fill me with confidence after messing my meds up first thing this morning. And then, just before she was going to do it, hearing the doctor asking, “why did you give Mrs so and so some laxatives when she already had diarrhoea!” My fears were justified. After six attempts at getting a line in me, I suggested she gave up! Thankfully she did and went to get a doctor! Who, in fairness to the nurse, also failed, but at least he only tried once!

I’ve got my eye on some blackberries across the road

A doctor came around this afternoon to look at my hip (I’m assuming Mr Wakeling is off) as it was rather red yesterday, and they are worried that the infection was coming back! But he looked at it and wasn’t too worried, as there was no tenderness. I personally think it’s just a reaction again, from the wound leaking. He said all my markers are encouraging, which is good. But it looks like I’m in until at least the 14th, while they try a week of different antibiotics!

3 Replies to “St-Richards-Hospital 9th September 2021”

  1. I’m glad you warned me about John O’Groats. I’ll give it a miss.
    I’d be worried about all those antibiotics. Don’t they leave you open to infection?

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