Bike-Ride to Australia 12th-February-2012

Bike-Ride to Australia Sunday 12th-February-2012 Rawang to Kuala Lumpur. 23 miles. Very short ride today. I think my forty miles yesterday was a bit of a miss calculation! But then it probably was best to stop when I did last night. I wanted to make sure that I found a good hotel, with the internet, as I’m planning to stop here for a couple of nights.

I need to get my Rohloff Speedhub serviced (my gears). Apparently, the distributor for Asia is here in Kuala Lumpur, and if I don’t get them serviced here, I won’t be able to until I reach Australia. I sent an email to the distributor today, but I’ve not had a reply. But then it is Sunday. Hopefully, I’ll hear tomorrow.

Not A Good Start

The day didn’t get off to the best of starts. I managed to stub my toe before setting off this morning, which will be coming off by the looks of it! And then when I reached Kaula Lumpur, I went straight to the Petronas Towers, they were easy to find! But then, when I was there, I got kicked off the complex! They didn’t like my bike! The towers themselves didn’t strike me as being that tall. Even though I know they are, they look pretty impressive with all the polished steel.

Tall shiny buildings
The Petronas Towers, they were easy to find

I need to get a map of Indonesia while I’m here. It’s the only one I haven’t bought with me. And reception directed me to the KLCC, a shopping mall in the Petronas Towers. They said there’s a bookshop there.

On the way to the Metro (my hotel is away from the Towers), I passed a couple of book shops, but none had any maps. And they all directed me to the Petronas Towers. The Metro was easy to navigate. The hotel had already told me what station I needed. I arrived at the Petronas Towers and took the escalator up to the shopping mall. It was huge, spread over six floors! This was my idea of hell, a shopping mall, but then needs be!

There were plenty of English shops Marks & Spencer, and The Body Shop, to name a couple. I looked around for a while, but the place was so big I couldn’t find my shop. After finding the information desk, they directed me to the fourth floor. Blimey, a massive shop in a massive mall! But at least they had a map, although it’s not that brilliant. But it’s better than nothing. I seem to remember not bringing one from home because I couldn’t find a decent one.

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