Travelsonabike2 France Sunday 19th-May-2019

Garry McGivern Travelsonabike2 is cycle touring in France on Sunday, 19th-May-2019. Houlgate to Saint-Jouin-Bruneval. 49 miles. It rained in the night and it was still raining when I woke up! After looking at the weather forecast, I decided to sit it out, as it was due to stop around 8 o’clock. No problem I thought I’ll wait the 2 or so hours! Its a much better option than packing away in the rain, there’s nothing worse!

Man in wet weather clothes
Ready for the elements

Anyway after about an hour or so it stopped, so I quickly decamped and started to load up the bike. That’s when it decided to start raining again, but at least I packed everything away first.

Now that I was packed up I didn’t have any choice but to head off in the rain! So much for that weather forecast, it was still raining at 10 o’clock!

Boats houses

Although it stopped raining it’s been a very dull overcast day and I ended the day in the rain as well!

Man road
On the Pont de Normandie

No more D-Day stuff that’s all behind me now, but I still came through some nice places, Deauville and Trouville, not that there was a lot to see, it was too wet!

Ship, containers cranes
Picking my through the docks in Le Havre

Honfleur is another pretty town that I came through, but that was packed with tourists!

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2 Replies to “Travelsonabike2 France Sunday 19th-May-2019”

  1. Some lovely place names. You came through Le Havre – you must have gone over a bridge. Was it the bridge of Tarcanville? Hope the weather improves.

    1. No, that’s further in land, I came over the Pont de Normandie. The photo is of me in the middle, it’s a bit of a climb to get there.

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