Travelsonabike2 China Sunday 21st-October-2012

Garry McGivern’s cycling around the world, Sunday, 21st-October-2012, Hami to a rocky side of the road. 77 miles. I didn’t leave the hotel until ten o’clock this morning. I was in two minds about whether to stay another night. But with no internet, I couldn’t see any point, apart from being lazy, and we can’t have that, can we?

Snow mountains trees
These were the only trees I’ve seen for a few days

I was hoping to cover 115 miles today and reach the next town for tonight. But that was a bit too optimistic, especially leaving at ten o’clock. I think I may have been able to make it, but it would have meant arriving late and in the dark! And I didn’t even know if there were any hotels there. So I opted to camp after spotting a gap in the barbed wire that runs beside the road. It’s not a very good campsite. The surface is just dust and gravel, not a lot for the tent pegs to get a grip on. So I found some rocks to put on the pegs, which will be fine as long as the wind doesn’t get up!

I’m still undecided about where I’m going to finish. I seem to change my mind daily! Today it’s Shanghai. Yesterday it was Beijing or Kunming. But I think it might be too late in the year to cycle to Beijing. I think there could be a fair amount of snow around. Kunming would be my preferred finishing point, as that’s where I started the Southern Asian leg of my ride. But I think they might have just as much snow there. Hence today, my finish point is Shanghai, even though I don’t know what weather they have!

Please Donate

Don’t forget the main reason behind my ride. I want to raise as much money for cancer research charities as possible. After my wife, Josie, died of breast cancer in 2007, aged only 42. Even the smallest donation helps. You can donate to Cancer Research UK or the Australian National Breast Cancer Foundation. Click on either one to donate. Every little bit helps to rid the world of this cruel disease.

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