Bike-Ride To Australia 27th-November 2011 Istanbul. Continuing with the theme of playing the tourist! We decided to go on a cruise up the Bosporus and wished we’d never bothered! We thought it was a two-hour round trip to Kavagi, a traditional fishing village. Ideal it would leave us plenty of time to explore more of the city when we return.

We were gone for over six hours! Six hours! After stopping at Kavagi, the boat moored up, and that was it for three hours! It wouldn’t have been quite as bad if there was something there! All there was, was a collection of overpriced restaurants and some ruins of an old fort! After visiting the fort, the only thing to do was visit one of the restaurants! I think the restaurants were in cahoots with the boat people! And it was all a scam to get bums on seats in the restaurants! Their scam worked!
We were definitely missold this trip, and we weren’t the only ones who thought so! An American on the same boat was also under the impression that it was a two-hour trip. He likened it to being on Alcatraz! Looking on the bright side, at least we weren’t being hassled by touts asking if we wanted to buy a carpet!
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