Thank you so much for your very kind donation. It is really appreciated by Garry but even more so by the local community of Felpham. Who can relax, safe in the knowledge that Garry will be away for that little bit longer. Peddling and raising much-needed funds for the charities that Garry Supports.
All donations go to charity. Garry funds all of his trips out of his own pocket. Who knows, he may be passing your way soon. If he does, I’m sure that he’ll stop off and say thank you.
If you want to follow Garry’s adventures, simply go to Garry’s home page and enter your email address to receive his updates.
Garry annoying the locals in Bangladesh December 2011
Once again, thank you very much
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If you want to find out if Garry’s away touring at the moment and check his location, visit the Where’s Garry web page.