Garry McGivern Travelsonabike2 is bicycle touring in England on Sunday, the 23rd-June-2024. Brockenhurst to Bognor Regis. 63 miles. Well, that’s another trip over. And as usual, it’s been thoroughly enjoyable. Although I’d be lying if I said it was easy. It wasn’t; most days have been a struggle, and some have been really tough. But as I said earlier, it’s still been enjoyable. And my total mileage for the three weeks was 973.
There’s not really much to say about the ride home from the New Forest, apart from it seemed to take forever. I kept bumping into people that wanted to talk. Not that I minded; I always enjoy talking to anyone who shows an interest. It just seemed that there was a lot today, probably because all I wanted to do was get home and put things away.
I’m not sure when I’ll be going away again, hopefully soon, though. But I’ve got quite a few things to sort out at home and a couple of jobs I’ve been putting off, which I need to do. At the moment, I don’t have any hospital appointments, so if I’m quick and pull my finger out, I can get away before any come through!
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You can also follow my progress and see where I stop each night by visiting the Where’s Garry web page; there, you’ll find a map of the route I’ve taken so far.