Travelsonabike2 France This Day 24th-May-2019

This week’s Travelsonabike2 bicycle touring on this day post comes from France on the 24th-May-2019, and I’m in France. After my brush with sepsis the previous year, 2019 was a good year for me. Although I was still in a lot of pain and wasn’t 100% fit. But it was great to be able to cycle around France once more.

Friday 24th May. Le Mesnil-sous-Jumieges to Le Havre. 58 miles.

I was going to take my time leaving camp this morning. It had rained in the night, and I was hoping to dry the tent out before leaving. No chance, the sun came up and was nowhere near me. I was too sheltered by the trees! I’ll just have to dry it out when I get home.

I wasn’t so good at avoiding the hills today and had a long climb coming out of Vieux Port to Trouville la-Haule. I wasn’t even sure if I was going in the right direction. Thankfully, I was, though.

I’ve had to catch a couple of ferries to crisscross the river Seine in a bid to avoid any hills. Which sort of worked. It seems that you don’t have to pay for the ferries either. Not even the cars, from what I saw.

Touring bicycle by water
Passepartout waiting for the ferry back to England

I arrived in Le Havre around 4 p.m. and had six hours to kill before my ferry left. I’d like to say that I found a nice cafe or restaurant and spent my time there. The truth is that I couldn’t find anywhere that I felt safe leaving Passepartout or anywhere that I could sit and see him. In the end, I just had a little ride around, then a walk along the prom, before getting a few beers and a burger and chips.

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