Cycling The World Georgia 7th-August-2012

Garry McGivern’s cycling around the world, Tuesday, 7th-August-2012 Findikli, Turkey to Samtredia, Georgia. 112 miles. The border between Turkey and Georgia came early this morning. It was only about thirty miles from my hotel. Speaking of the hotel, I was still annoyed with the cost of it this morning! The border crossing from Turkey to Georgia went okay, and there weren’t any issues. And I’m now in country number twenty!

I was aiming to stop the night in a town called Poti tonight. I liked the sound of it! But after spotting another road that wasn’t on my map, I decided to miss out on Poti. The new road was a much quicker route to Tbilisi, although it has meant that I cycled an extra thirty miles today.

I’ve only been in Georgia for a few hours, but it seems to me that it’s easier to buy a bottle of beer than a bottle of water. I’ve really struggled to find water, but beer is on sale everywhere! Maybe I’ll just have to drink beer instead of water! It’s what all the locals seem to do. Nearly every single group of men I’ve passed have been drinking beer. Whether they’re sitting by a front door or standing in the street! I’ll have to watch and make sure the locals don’t get me into any bad habits!

Supper was interesting tonight. All the staff at the restaurant were chasing a rat around that had just walked through the door!

Please Donate

Don’t forget the main reason behind my ride. I want to raise as much money for cancer research charities as possible. After my wife, Josie, died of breast cancer in 2007, aged only 42. Even the smallest donation helps. You can donate to Cancer Research UK or the Australian National Breast Cancer Foundation. Click on either one to donate. Every little bit helps to rid the World of this cruel disease.

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