Bike-Ride To Australia 8th-November 2011

Bike-Ride To Australia 8th-November 2011 Mering to Obing 82 miles. Late start today. When I checked into the hotel last night, the receptionist locked my bike in an office. But come this morning nobody had a key! Instead of waiting for somebody to arrive with a key, I went for breakfast, making a nice change. Most mornings, I’ve not bothered, preferring to get on the road early instead.

At breakfast, I got ribbed by some of the people I met last night for wearing shorts! I didn’t take the mick out of them for their lederhosen, did I! Mind you, I must admit it is pretty cold to start with, and even the cows give me a strange look as I cycle past!

Parliament building in Munich, Germany
Parliament building in Munich

Munich came and went, and to my surprise, I found my way in and out without getting lost! I even recognised some of the places I visited last year on my way to Italy. I did, however, have a bit of an altercation with some woman! She was shouting at me for cycling on the road instead of the cycle path, which I know she was right about! But I just think she’d had an argument with her husband and was in a bad mood!

Tonight should be my last night in Germany, so best make the most of their beer! I also need to start thinking about my route. Do I cross the Alps or head a bit further north and go along the Danube?

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