Bike-Ride To Australia 11th-January 2012

Bike-Ride To Australia Wednesday 11th-January 2012 Kunming to Yuxi. 72 miles. I was on the road nice and early was doing really well at finding my way out of Kunming. That was until the road I wanted to take wouldn’t allow bicycles on it! Well, I’m pretty sure that’s what the sign meant. It was a picture of a bike with a line through it. And seeing as I’m new here, I’m not too sure how the police or whoever would react to me ignoring signs!

People at a table
The cafe where I had a few meals in Kunming

Now lost and had to rely on my compass as a rough guide to my direction. My map isn’t much use. It’s on too large a scale and doesn’t show these more minor roads. I just hoped for the best! Eventually, after five hours, I found a road that I could relate to on my map. Unfortunately, it was almost un-rideable, but I stuck with it as it was the road I needed. And just as well I did, after about four or five miles, it turned into lovely smooth asphalt.

It Didn’t Last

I started to make good progress with a smooth road until the road was again blocked! People put rocks and mud on the road, making it totally unpassable. While they stopped all other traffic, they beckoned me forward and showed me another route to take. I was in two minds about whether to take it or try and get past them and continue on the new road! Luckily I didn’t. The route they sent me on turned back into the one I needed!

After checking into my 4-star hotel tonight, which only cost me £13! I went in search of beer and got offered a notebook, then a pen, but no beer! Eventually, after about six shops I found some! It seems a lot of hard work, just to get a pint!

Haha! No Facebook or Twitter here in China. How will I survive? Perfectly well, I think! Tweeting by text works fine! But if anybody replies to me via the above platforms, I won’t see it, so don’t think I’m ignoring you.

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