World Bicycle-Tour Video; Southeast Asia

World bicycle-tour video Southeast Asia, another YouTube/Flickr video.

After crossing the 500-metres of no man’s land between China and Laos, Garry arrives at the little building that is Laos immigration. Thankfully Garry got full marks for his homework! And it was visa on entry, and he was soon on his way into country number thirteen.

Laos was another tough country, as the mountainous terrain continued from China. Only now the roads were more like tracks! Garry also ended up with a lot of punctures. Caused by the little mettle shards from burst lorry tyres.


After Laos Garry entered Thailand and nearly missed border control! He was a good 500-metres down the road before he realised and had to turn around to get his entry stamp. Unfortunately, Garry received a fail on his homework for Thailand! He had thought that it was a thirty-day visa, which it was! But only if you flew into the country. If you made the land crossing, you only got a fifteen-day visa! Garry was now in a bit of trouble! On Garry’s rough schedule, he needed fifteen days to cross Thailand. And Garry had already lost a day by not crossing the border until the afternoon! And now things went from bad to worse, when he got the shits and had to rest up for a day!

As he wasn’t allowed to extend his visa, and he certainly didn’t fancy being thrown into some Thai jail for overstaying! There was only one thing to do, head down and go for it, with Garry cycling over 100-miles on most days!


Garry made it to the Malaysian border with a couple of days to spare. And could now relax with a ninety-day visa. Not that he needed that long, he was only in Malaysia for nine days, and three of those were spent in Kuala Lumpur, while he got his bike serviced.

Malaysia came and went, and Garry was soon in Singapore, where he would finish the Southeast Asia leg of his ride. Next stop Indonesia.


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