An update video from Garry McGivern, which apparently is now called a podcast on Garry’s YouTube channel, it was posted on his YouTube channel on the 28th-May-2023. The video was recorded earlier in the month, on the 23rd of May, when Garry was on his way to one of his many hospital appointments.
You may or may not remember, but Garry had returned home from his ride around Brittany because he had several hospital appointments he needed to attend, including today. A couple of the other hospital appointments were for a nerve conduction test and an MRI scan. Well, he’s already got the results, and they’re not as positive as Garry might have hoped.
You can watch the video below or on Garry’s YouTube channel. But honestly, it won’t be any more enjoyable wherever you watch the video! You can also subscribe to his channel. You’ll then be amongst the first to know when Garry releases a new video. Or subscribe to Garry’s emails and receive all of his updates.
YouTube Video 28th-May-2023 (Garry McGivern May 2023 Update)
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