Paris Bicycle Tour

July 2008

It was mid-July, and Garry had only been home for a week, after his first long-distance cycle-ride Bilbao to Bognor. But he was already missing being on the road and started to get itchy feet! Not having a lot of time due to work commitments, Garry wondered where to cycle to, that wasn’t too far away and was achievable over a weekend! Remembering his time in France and how much he had enjoyed it, Garry decided to go on a bicycle tour to Paris, then cycle home again after!

After making his mind up where he was going to go, Garry booked the first available crossing to France; it was a night crossing from Portsmouth to Le Havre.

Garry arrived in Le Havre at 8 o’clock on a Friday morning and immediately started on his ride into Paris.

So as not to worry too much about maps, Garry decided to follow the River Seine. Which from his geography lessons many years ago, remembered that it flowed all the way into the centre of Paris. Although he didn’t realise that it had so many twists and turns on it!

After reaching Paris, Garry headed for the Eiffel Tower. He wanted to get his photo taken standing in front of it! Which Garry never actually achieved! But he did manage to get a picture of Passepartout in front of it instead!

Mission Accomplished

Once Garry had reached the Eiffel Tower and got his photos, he headed out of Paris. But he wasn’t going back the way he had come. Instead, he was going to head towards the port of Dieppe and get the ferry home from there.

After a night of wild camping in a field, Garry reached Dieppe. And jumped on the ferry back to England.

Garry was only away from home for four nights and was back at work on Monday! Despite walking in his house in the early hours of the morning!

Total miles covered 336.


Arc De Triompe

Garry’s route

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2 Replies to “Paris Bicycle Tour”

  1. Hi Garry! I envy you that trip along the Seine to Paris. Paris has just introduced a new fleet of hire bicycles to replace the velibs. Some of them are electric bikes. I’ve been kicked out of Gigi’s cafe now. She had a row with a mate of mine and I was included. Tant pis!

    1. Are you sure it was your mate and not you!! Maybe you should go and ask her if you can come back in?
      I’ve been trying to get back to Paris for a while now, but I just don’t seem to have the time. I expect to see you heading off to Paris now they’ve got electric bikes!

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