Bike-Ride to Australia 16th-April-2012

Bike-Ride to Australia Monday 16th-April-2012 Balranald to Hay. 86 miles. Not the best of starts this morning. I had a puncture in my front tyre! I thought it was a bit flat when I finished last night, but then I forgot all about it! It’s not really surprising that I got a puncture. The tyre is nearly bald, and the back one isn’t much better either.

I hope there are no crocodiles in there

I always find I get more punctures when the tyres get towards the end. I have got a spare tyre with me, but I’m hoping I can make the tyres on my bike last until I get to Sydney. It’s only about 400 miles away.

The roads today were surrounded by swamps, flat and straight. There have also been thousands of flies, probably because of the wetlands. I don’t know what it is about me, but the flies certainly seem to like me. I always attract a large crowd, despite showering last night! I’ve also eaten a large amount, and not through choice! But had I known, I wouldn’t have bothered with breakfast! I don’t need to worry about having any protein tonight.

I’ve seen plenty of emus today, which bizarrely have always been in groups of six. And can’t they run fast. I’ve also seen some kangaroos. They always make me smile, seeing them bouncing off into the distance.

Staying at Fonzie’s town tonight, Hay!!

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