Garry McGivern is in Serbia cycling to Australia on the 17th-November 2011 Grocka to Zagubica 77 miles. The mornings in central Europe are freezing, and the frost stays on the ground until midday. And I was beginning to think I’d have to camp tonight! I thought I’d missed the only town on my map and was starting to look for a spot to pitch my tent! Luckily, I came across this hotel. I just hope it’s a bit warmer than last night’s room! The only heat in the room was a non-existing electric heater and two blankets! And one of those I took off the other bed! I think I’ll start bringing my sleeping bag in!
There are plenty of dogs roaming free here, some good and some bad! This morning, the dogs were good. While cycling uphill, a cute little chap joined me, running along beside me! I did fear for his safety, though, as he kept running from one side of the road to another! And as much as I enjoyed his company, I was finding it hard going! I kept thinking he would get run over any minute, but luckily he didn’t! I was pretty glad to reach the top of the hill and pick up a bit of speed so he couldn’t keep up! The last I saw of him, he was following some girl down another road.
Dogs later on in the day weren’t quite so friendly, and I got chased several times! I had a pack of five dogs chasing me at one point! I might start carrying a stick to fend them off!
The day finished on a rather sad note! Just as it was starting to get dark, I could see yet another dog standing by the side of the road, waiting for me! As I got nearer, I started to pick my pace up to get past him as quickly as possible! As I neared him, he started to cower and move away. Then, when I rode past, I noticed another dog lying dead by the side of the road! I think it may have happened recently as the other dog looked so sad and was just waiting by the dead dog’s side. You do see a lot of dogs killed, and that’s always sad. But this was particularly sad as the dog’s mate was just waiting over their body!
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