Bike-Ride to Australia Saturday 14th-April-2012. In Mildura. I decided to stop in Mildura for another night. I’m getting pretty close to the end of my ride now and wanted to work out how much longer I’ll be in Australia. And I want to raise at least £8000 for Cancer Research. And with only a few weeks left, can you all pester friends and family to donate.

I forgot to mention that I made my own version of an Aussie hat the other night. It made good use of some empty beer cans and teabags from the motel. I thought cans were more appropriate than corks!
I went out for a haircut today and thought I’d pay my fine at the same time. Haircut done, off I went to the post office, where I was told to go and pay it. But for some reason, they couldn’t process it! Because it didn’t have some number on it! So it never got paid! At least I tried. If I see another post office, I’ll try again. All the staff in that post office were very young and might not have known what to do! I don’t want to be stopped at customs when I try and leave the country!
I had kangaroo for dinner tonight. It’s a very rich meat and tasted okay. But I think I prefer a normal beef steak. I bounced back to my room after that! And watched “Pirates of the Caribbean on stranger tides.”
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